Futuring Design:  Tin Sheds Galley

This is intervention futuring design which combines an offline installation within physical space and an online app. Creating a new paradigm for Tin Sheds Gallery in 2025 by backcasting to the 2050 scenario. The design aim for future TSG has the potential to continue to grow as a social art space, guiding local communities to focus on political and social issues and encouraging the voices of different social groups. Through artistic expression, TSG is able to spread multicultural development and exchange while promoting the internationalization of its audience through technological development.


Team Members:  Yahui Fang  (Interact Designer)
               Runqing Liu (Interact Designer)
               Jiahui Peng (Interact Designer)
               Mingzhe Liu (Interact Designer)

Tin Sheds Gallery

Tin Sheds Gallery was established in 1969 as an autonomous informal venue on the University of Sydney campus. It consists of four tin sheds next to the Wentworth Building and is charmingly titled ‘Bottom Shed,’ ‘Middle Shed,’ ‘Long Shed,’ and ‘Top Shed’.

TSG's early years as an independent art space provided opportunities for marginalized artists to create work in the spirit of a non-elite art practice that has existed since 1969. This tradition has promoted radical and avant-garde art while emphasizing the importance of diverse artistic development.

Backcasting to 2050

Our Group Used double variable methods and STEEPLE Analysis to creat scenario in 2050. In this future, we position the x-axis as the local factor, namely the push for diversity, and the y-axis as the international factor, namely the global conflict. The main issue space of concern revolves around nuclear-related issues that have a great impact on the global political, social and economic.

In the age of globalization, TSG will continue to emphasize social diversity and cross-cultural exchange to promote the social nature of art in guide the public to think critically.At the same time, TSG carries an essential public narrative role as a venue for public art.

Design in 2025

*Our group brainstormed separately, selected an idea with a decision matrix, and after 3 rounds of iteration developed the following design

The design primarily focuses on creative expression through personal narratives and emotional integration under different cultural backgrounds, thereby realizing the social value of multicultural harmony. Audiences will have the opportunity to transform their unique memories into artworks through the installations and experience the emotional journeys of others through artistic forms. By combining the design of both online apps and offline art installations, we aim to facilitate interaction and provide innovative exhibition experiences for both local and remote audiences without art backgrounds. This will further enhance TSG's role as a public art gallery with social functions.



Design in 2025 Prototpy Showcase 


      Stage 1                 Stage 2               Stage 3                Stage 4

 Current  and past archive showcase

 Generating your own memory artworks by AI

 Engaging with others work

Project Fturing Design:Tin Sheds Gallery