Consent Matters:

This is a Virtual Reality Game which redesigns consent matters learning module. Our group focused on section 3 scenario practice “Looking out for others”.This project aim to educate users intervene appropriately in case of sexual harrassment.The immersive game education format enables users to be more aware of the importance of consents and sustainable learning.

Client: N/A    

Team Members:   Yahui Fang     (Interact Designer)
                Chenzhang Zhu  (Interact Designer)
                Ying Chen      (Interact Designer)
                Mingzhe Liu    (Interact Designer)


“women are twice as likely as men to experience sexual harassment and more than three times as likely to experience sexual assault on campuses.” That underscore the existing deficiencies in sexual assault prevention education. While institutions have established clear guidelines, students often lack awareness of these policies and their real-world implications. However the current learning module faces challenges below:

VR Product Market Research

Persona Building

Insights and Opportunities

*Our group got the following user pain points by Primary Research.(survey data from 31 users and opinions from 5 interviewers)


*Before developing formal prototype, our group iterate three time by peer review and role playing method

Scenario Setting : “Looking For Others” content segment
Virtual Enviroment Settring : Bar
Gamilfied Activities : Immersive Story Game
Device and Coding :HTC VIVE PRO2/ C# Language/ Blender Modeling

Iteration Workflow:

Final User Flow:

Example Scenes

     Other Details

Project Consent  Matters